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惊 jing

Home Pinyin jing

吃惊 chījīng be surprised

触目惊心 chùmùjīngxīn shocking

大惊小怪 dàjīngxiǎoguài make a fuss

惊爆 jīng bào shock

惊呆 jīng dāi stunned

惊愕 jīngè astonishment; consternation

惊骇 jīnghài fright

惊呼 jīng hū exclaim

惊慌 jīnghuāng alarmed; panic

惊魂 jīnghún cry

惊恐 jīngkǒng appal; frightened

惊奇 jīngqí amaze; amazed; astound; boggle; surprise

惊人 jīngrén amazing; astonishingly; astounding; astoundingly; boggling; prodigious; startlingly; strikingly

惊悚 jīngsǒng horror; thrillers

惊叹 jīngtàn marvel

惊叹号 jīngtànhào exclamation mark

惊天动地 jīngtiāndòngdì earth-shattering

惊喜 jīngxǐ surprise

惊吓 jīngxià horrify; scared; startle; terrify

惊险 jīngxiǎn breathtaking; thrilling

惊现 jīng xiàn surprise

惊心 jīng xīn shocking

惊心动魄 jīngxīndòngpò thrilling

惊醒 jīngxǐng wake up

惊讶 jīngyà amazes; astonished; surprised

惊异 jīngyì amazement; wonderment

受宠若惊 shòuchǒngruòjīng flattered

一场虚惊 yī chǎng xūjīng false alarm

一鸣惊人 yīmíngjīngrén blockbuster

震惊 zhènjīng appalled; astonish; astounded; horrified; shock; shocked; startled

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce